martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Tim Guinee in "Black Day Blue Night" (1995)

Sorprendido el hombre infiel, caucásico y cabello negro, Hallie lo sigue amenazando con su arma muy segura de sí misma, La rubia Rinda aprovecha la ocasión y su distracción y golpea justo en sus partes al desnudo Bo en sus pelotas quién cae adolorido junto con el teléfono fijo. Ambas mujeres lo ven derrotado y humillado. Risas,  Vergonzoso y merecido castigo.
Surprised the unfaithful man, Caucasian and black hair, Hallie continues to threaten him with his weapon very sure of itself, The blonde Rinda takes advantage of the occasion and his distraction and hits right in his parts to the naked Bo in his balls who falls sore along with the landline. Both women see him defeated and humiliated. Laughter, shameful and deserved punishment.

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