martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Tim Guinee in "Black Day Blue Night" (1995)

"Rinda" le pide explicaciones y le reclama a Bo el engaño mientras que por otra parte la esposa de Bo "Hallie" lo culpa y lo amenaza por su infidelidad de marido cínico. Bo sigue mintiendo y eso causa la ira de Hallie quién lo amenaza con su pistola justo en sus partes íntimas llegando al rostro. Bo verdaderamente asustado intenta calmarla. Risas.
"Rinda" asks for explanations and claims to Bo the deception while on the other hand the wife of Bo "Hallie" blames him and threatens him for his infidelity as a cynical husband. Bo is still lying and that causes Hallie's wrath who threatens him with her gun right in his private parts reaching the face. Bo truly afraid tries to calm her down. Laughter.

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