martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Jesse Metcalfe in "John Tucker Must Die" (2006)

El coach le grita a John de manera bastante severa por su facha y conducta, él trata de huir pero los flashes de los captores lo reflejan mientras se burlan de él. Kate lo enfrenta y le declara su broma pesada junto a las otras chicas. Todas las chicas se ríen de él. Humillado, avergonzado y desnudo se retira enfadado. Merecido castigo al mujeriego Tucker.
The coach yells at John quite severely for his looks and behavior, he tries to flee but the captors' flashes reflect him while making fun of him. Kate confronts him and declares his heavy joke with the other girls. All the girls laugh at him. Humiliated, embarrassed and naked he retires angry. Deserved punishment to womanizer Tucker.

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