martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Jesse Metcalfe in "John Tucker Must To Die" (2006)

John confiado se tira en la cama sólo portando una fina tanga roja hasta que por la puerta entra la coach "Williams" . Ésta se altera y John sorprendido salta, ella lo coge de las orejas y él se cubre con el teléfono fijo por un segundo, pensando que era Kate y es obligado a salir semidesnudo al pasillo. RISAS.
Confident John throws himself on the bed wearing only a thin red thong until the coach "Williams" enters the door. She gets upset and John jumps up, she grabs him by the ears and he covers himself with the landline phone for a second, thinking it was Kate and is forced to go out in the hallway half naked. LAUGHTER.

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