martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

John Drake in "Dangerous Men" (2005)

El conductor de camión oculto entre algunos matorrales dialoga consigo mismo y se trauma por todo lo que le pasó desde que una mujer le robó sus ropas, se angustia por su familia y sus hijos si lo ven completamente desnudo. Espera a que un samaritano lo recoga pero eso no pasa. Probablemente seguirá frustrado y enojado. Eso le pasa por Machista.Risas.
The truck driver hidden among some bushes dialogues with himself and is traumatized by everything that happened to him since a woman stole his clothes, he is anguished by his family and his children if they see him completely naked. Wait until a Samaritan picks it up but that does not happen. Probably will continue frustrated and angry. That happen to him for Macho.Laughter.

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