martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

Greg Finley in "Jack Links-Messin' with Sasquatch Towel Whip Commercial" (2008)

El joven hombre bronceado es incitado por una de las chicas y accede a molestar al Orangután "Jack" con su toalla rozandole por detrás de forma agresiva. Todos se ríen y la actitud masculina y petulante del hombre se infla hasta que el enfadado orangután lo sorprende a sus espaldas y lo castiga arrojandolo al lago, avienta al hombre por los aires sujetando su bañador y desnudandolo automáticamente en el acto. Cae Desnudo en el lago. Risas y muy divertido. LOL.

The tanned young man is prompted by one of the girls and agrees to annoy the Orangutan "Jack" with his towel brushing behind him aggressively. Everyone laughs and the masculine and petulant attitude of the man inflates until the angry orangutan surprises him behind his back and punishes him by throwing him into the lake, throws the man by the air holding his swimsuit and automatically undressing him in the act. It falls naked in the lake. Laughter and very funny. LOL.

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