viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Steve Zahn in "Bandidas" (2006)

"Quentin" se observa en el espejo recién salido de la ducha y portando una toalla en la cintura.. Abre la puerta y se encuentra con las dos bandidas vestidas de "cabaret" "Sara Sandoval" y "María Álvarez" quienes lo presionan e intimidan.. Se invitan ellas mismas al pasar y le preparan una sorpresa.
"Quentin" is seen in the mirror fresh out of the shower and carrying a towel around his waist .. He opens the door and finds the two bandits dressed in "cabaret" "Sara Sandoval" and "María Álvarez" who press him They intimidate .. They invite themselves as they go by and prepare a surprise for her.

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