martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

Humberto Garza Jr in "Estadio de los Cardenales" (2017)

Humberto Garza Jr después de quitarse sus pantalones y lucir su ropa de lucha color amarillo mostaza, es impresionado por "Black Demon" . Humberto intenta huir fuera del ring, pero su corpulento oponente lo detiene jalando de su trusa y exponiendolo desnudo en público y por un momento lo vence. Humillado el moreno Humberto se retira del ring cubriendo sus partes. LOL.
Humberto Garza Jr after removing his pants and wearing his mustard-yellow fighting clothes, is impressed by "Black Demon". Humberto tries to run away from the ring, but his corpulent opponent stops him pulling on his trusade and exposing him naked in public and for a moment overcomes him. Humiliated the dark Humberto retires of the ring covering his parts. LOL.

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