jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018

Richard Winsor in "Casualty" (2015)

"Caleb Knight" es engañado por el fotógrafo que lo invita a desnudarse para un calendario en privado, duda hasta hacerlo y cuando se quita la ropa y tira la toalla, a sus eapaldas entra el resto de sus compañeros internos y se burlan descaradamente de él. Al pobre de Caleb no le hace nada de gracia el haber sido humillado y el estar desnudo delante se todo el reparto. Vergonzoso. LOL.                      "Caleb Knight" is deceived by the photographer who invites him to undress for a calendar in private, hesitates to do so and when he takes off his clothes and throws in the towel, behind him the rest of his internal companions enter and shamelessly mock him . The poor Caleb does not do anything funny to have been humiliated and being naked in front of all the cast. Shameful. LOL.

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