domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

Mature Man

El grandulón avergonzado al sentirse humillado por el hombre rubio se retira, sube unas escaleras y se esconde detrás de las sabanas en el tendedero de ropa para poco después ser descubierto por una mujer. Pesima suerte.
The big guy, embarrassed to feel humiliated by the blond man, retires, climbs some stairs and hides behind the sheets on the clothesline to shortly after being discovered by a woman. Pity luck.

Mature Man

El desconcertado hombre se expresa mientras el muchacho de larga cabellera rubia sigue riéndose sobretodi de sus partes. Muy divertido y vergonzoso para el velludo hombre.
The bewildered man expresses himself while the blond-haired boy continues to laugh over his head. Very funny and shameful for the hairy man.

Mature Man

El Hombre maduro y fornido le implora a su esposa pero ésta lo ignora, se aproxima un hombre rubio joven quien al verlo totalmente desnudo se burla de él, el avergonzado hombre se cubre con una maceta.
The mature and stocky man implores his wife but she ignores him, a young blond man approaches who, seeing him totally naked, mocks him, the ashamed man covers himself with a pot.

Mature Man

El hombre maduro queda completamente desnudo. Acto seguido; su mujer le arrebata la ponchera con su ropa completa y cierra la puerta dejando al pobre marido en pelotas.
The mature man is completely naked. Act immediately; his wife snatches the punch box with his full clothes and closes the door leaving the poor husband in balls.

Mature Man

El maduro hombre es obligado por su esposa a desnudarse para entrar a la casa ya que su ropa estaba sucia, pero ella le tiene preparada una sorpresa.
The mature man is forced by his wife to undress to enter the house since his clothes were dirty, but she has prepared a surprise for him.

CM Punk in "WWE" (2009)

Cm punk es castigado por Alberto del Río cuando este último expone desnudo ante el público y las cámaras por varios segundos mientras le aplica una llave común. Vergonzoso para el rudo Cm Punk.
Cm punk is punished by Alberto del Río when the latter exposes naked before the public and the cameras for several seconds while he applies a common key. Shameful for the rude Cm Punk.

sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2017

Chris Walker in "Doctors" (2000)

La ofendida rubia ve desnudo al maduro hombre y se retira indignada, apenado el hombre se cubre con una planta y avergonzado se va.
The offended blonde sees the mature man naked and withdraws indignantly, distressed the man covers himself with a plant and leaves embarrassed.

Chris Walker in "Doctors" (2000)

Rob Hollins sale de su habitación de hotel adormilado, se cierra la puerta y se dá cuenta que se haya completamente desnudo en el pasillo. Llama a su esposa pero no lo escucha, el avergonzado hombre recorre el pasillo por ayuda pero ve venir a una mujer rubia por el mismo camino. Risas LOL.
Rob Hollins comes out of his sleepy hotel room, closes the door and realizes he's completely naked in the hall. He calls his wife but he does not hear him, the ashamed man walks down the hall for help but sees a blonde woman coming down the same path. Laughter LOL.

David Chokachi in "WitchBlade" (2001)

Jake le pide la toalla a Sara, que despues de apuntarlo con su arma se retira y le lanza su toalla de baño al rostro. Jake queda desconcertado y cubriendo su desnudo cuerpo. Muy Divertido.
Jake asks for the towel to Sara, who after pointing it with his weapon withdraws and throws his bath towel to his face. Jake is baffled and covering his naked body. Very funny.

David Chokachi in "WitchBlade" (2001)

El detective Jake McCartey sale de la ducha y se sorprende al ver que lo espera en guardia la detective Sara 'Pez' Pezzini. El bronceado y musculoso hombre se alarma y completamente desnudo se cubre sus partes al ver que ella lo amenenaza con su arma. Vergonzoso.
Detective Jake McCartey gets out of the shower and is surprised to see that Detective Sara 'Pez' Pezzini is waiting on guard. The tanned and muscular man is alarmed and completely naked covers his parts to see her that she threatens with her weapon. Shameful.

Ben Hull in "Revelations" (1994)

La pareja disimuladamente se burla de él al verlo humillado, engañado, avergonzado, desnudado y enojado. Pobre Nick, pero divertido. LOL.
The couple slyly mocks him when they see him humiliated, cheated, embarrassed, naked and angry. Poor Nick, but fun. LOL.

Ben Hull in "Revelations" (1994)

Dos campesinos oyen los gritos de Nick y la mujer se sorprende al verlo desnudo. Lo rescatan y el pobre engañado y apenado. Verguenza.
Two peasants hear Nick screaming and the woman is surprised to see him naked. They rescue him and the poor deluded and distressed. Shame.

Ben Hull in "Revelations" (1994)

Charlotte sale del establo dejando al pobre hombre amarrado y en pelotas aún emocionado por el éxtasis, hasta que se da cuenta de que ella lo ha abandonado. Risas.
Charlotte leaves the stable leaving the poor man tied and still excited balls of ecstasy, until he realizes that she has left. Laughter.

Ben Hull in "Revelations" (1994)

El rubio muchacho "Nick" completamente desnudo y emocionado por la táctica de Charlotte cuando lo baña con champagne fría y le tapa la boca con un corcho para dominarlo. El pobre inocentón no sabe la sorpresa que le espera. Divertido.
The blond boy "Nick" completly naked and excited by Charlotte's tactic when she bathes him with cold champagne and covers his mouth with a cork to dominate it. The poor innocent man does not know the surprise that awaits him. Funny.

Ben Hull in "Revelations" (1994)

"Nick" se quita la ropa y es seducido por "Charlotte Rattigan" y amordazado en el establo.
"Nick" take off his clothes and is seduced by "Charlotte Rattigan" and gagged in the barn.

lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017

La Colección Invisible

Libro: La Colección Invisible
Autor: Stefan Zweig
Año: 1925
Editorial: Juventud


Una novela tipo relato que a mi entender refleja el arte de los seres humanos cuando  mentimos de forma "piadosa" para no herir a alguien o para ir más allá; para alegrarle la vida a otra persona cuya verdadera situación se convertiría en insoportable dilema dentro de la misma que arruinaría en un instante la dicha existencia de aquel. No tengo mucho que decir; sólo que me gustó mucho el dilema y la manera en que el narrador protagonista conoce al anciano ciego de la historia (un coleccionista muy famoso de Berlín) y el apasionante discurso que éste último emplea con tan solo apreciar de manera táctil las asombrosas obras de arte almacenadas en su santuario sagrado. Ha pasado en la vida real, dichas circunstancias nos impulsan a tomar una drástica decisión y atesorar el bien más preciado hasta donde nos sea posible, y si no lo es, tomando en cuenta el impacto significativo que esto podría ocasionar en el ser querido y actuar con base en proteger a capa y espada los sentimientos de esa persona con el obvio deseo de no lastimarla. Me conmovió el trato y la euforia del anciano sobreviviente a la Primera Guerra Mundial, el afecto de su esposa e hija y de la gratitud indiscutible que se percibe como aroma en las cuatro paredes una vez el caballero de la historia abandona dicha habitación. Deshacerse de objetos de gran valor para sobrevivir a una hiperinflación desmesurada en la Alemania de los años 20. 

Puntuación: 10/10

"La Colección Invisible" Relato novelesco sobre un artístico Alemán que disfruta de sus galerías en pleno episodio inflacionario. (Leída el 20 de Diciembre del 2017)

Libro: La Colección Invisible (1925) "Los Coleccionistas son hombres felices". Autor: Stefan Zweig 

domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017

Chris Candido in "WWE"

"Chris Candido" es sorprendido y desnudado por "Al Snow"           
"Chris Candido" is surprised and stripped by "Al Snow"

Loek Peters in "Rokjesdag" (2016

El grandulón y corpulento "Bog" se halla fuera de la habitación en pelotas y una madre y su hija pasan por el pasillo. La niña se burla al verlo desnudo. LOL. Vergonzoso.
The big and corpulent "Bog" is outside the room in balls and a mother and daughter pass through the hall. The girl makes fun of seeing him naked. LOL. Shameful.

Loek Peters in "Rokjesdag" (2016)

"Bor" pierde el juego y la apuesta. Se quita la ropa y con venda en los ojos, la rubia lo engaña y lo echa de la habitación completamente desnudo. Muy Divertido.
"Bor" loses the game and the bet. He takes off his clothes and with blindfolds, the blonde tricks him and throws him out of the room completely naked. Very funny.

Buff Bagwell in "Wrestlemanía"

Buff distraído en su afán de demostrar su musculatura, es sorprendido por Scott Steiner quien le baja sus pantalones y lo expone por varios segundos humillando su hombría.
Buff distracted in his eagerness to demonstrate his muscularity, is surprised by Scott Steiner who lowers his pants and exposes him for several seconds humiliating his manhood.

Brett Barnes in "Wrestlemanía"

"Brandon Collins" noquea a "Brett Barnes" aprovechando a que éste se encuentra mareado y distraído, le aplica a Barnes una trampa y le baja los calzones desnudandolo sin contemplación ni pesar. Vergonzosa humillación para el hombre rubio.
"Brandon Collins" knocks out "Brett Barnes" taking advantage of the fact that he finds himself dizzy and distracted, applies a trap to Barnes and lowers his underpants naked without contemplation or regret. Shameful humiliation for the blond man.

Rick "Ravishing" Rude in "WWE"

To complete, "Sting" keeps knocking out the stocky "Rick" and finishes him off in his noble parts. Shameful.
To complete, "Sting" keeps knocking out the stocky "Rick" and finishes him off in his noble parts. Shameful.

Rick "Ravishing" Rude in "WWE"

El Moreno Rick "Ravishing" Rude golpea al Rubio "Sting" y cuando intenta escapar dejando al otro luchador humillado, el avergonzado es él ya que el musculoso "Sting" lo detiene jalando su calzón exponiendo al musculoso Rick en el ring semi-desnudo. Risas
The Brunette Man Rick "Ravishing" Rude hits the Blond "Sting" and when he tries to escape leaving the other fighter humiliated, he is embarrassed as the muscular "Sting" stops him pulling his pants exposing the muscular Rick in the semi-naked ring. Laughter


sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017

Matthew Wolfenden in "Emmerdale" (2010)

David es avergonzado tratando de ocultar su verguenza, tanto Leyla como Rodney se burlan de él y se frustra. Divertido.        David is embarrassed trying to hide his shame, both Leyla and Rodney make fun of him and get frustrated. Funny.

Matthew Wolfenden in "Emmerdale" (2010)

El Descuidado "David Metcalfe" aparece en escena subterránea totalmente desnudo sólo portando un casco amarillo de construcción. Al darse cuenta de que Leyla viene acompañada de Rodney y ambos lo ven en pelotas, éste apenado se cubre y pasa la peor verguenza de su vida. LOL.The Neglected "David Metcalfe" appears in a totally naked underground scene wearing only a yellow construction helmet. Realizing that Leyla is accompanied by Rodney and both see him in the balls, he grieves and covers himself with the worst shame of his life. LOL.


Davood Ghadami in "EastEnders" (2014)

Kush Kazemi se queda completamente desnudo sólo cubriendo sus partes con una calabaza de Halloween para atraer a una chica, accidentalmente se le cae la calabaza y queda expuesto ante todo el mercado quienes se ríen de él a todo pulmón. Embarazoso y Divertido.             Kush Kazemi is completely naked only covering his parts with a Halloween pumpkin to attract a girl, accidentally drops the pumpkin and is exposed to the market who laugh at him at the top of his lungs. Embarrassing and Fun


Lance Storm in "WWE"

"El Fornido y Agresivo "Lance" es engañado cuando "Edge" entra en tarima y le baja los pantalones, es noqueado tanto por éste como por su complice. Vergonzoso y burlón. Risas.       "The Fornious and Aggressive" Lance "is tricked when" Edge "goes on stage and pulls his pants down, he is knocked out by both him and his accomplice, embarrassing and mocking. Laughs.

Charlie Garrett in "WWE"

La humillación continúa para Garrett, pues es ahora "Rocky Mac" quien lo noquea aún estando el primero semi desnudo y lo vence sin piedad. Embarazoso.                                The humiliation continues for Garrett, because it is now "Rocky Mac" who knocks him out while still being the first semi naked and overcomes him mercilessly. Embarrassing.


Charlie Garrett in "WWE"

"Charlie" es humillado por "Martina" cuando ésta le baja no sólo su trusa, sino tambien su hilo de ropa interior casi desnudandolo sin culpa frente a todo el escenario.                        "Charlie" is humiliated by "Martina" when she drops her not only her brief, but also her underwear thread almost stripping him without guilt in front of the whole stage.


Álex González in "Un Paso Adelante" (2004)

Cuando "Ufo" finaliza la escena de teatro en el campus, accidentalmente la sabana que lo cubría se atasca en una de las cabeceras de la cama, exponiendose completamente desnudo frente a todo el atónito público. Pobre chico avergonzado. Risas Infinitas.     When "Ufo" finishes the theater scene on campus, accidentally the sheet that covered it gets stuck in one of the headboards of the bed, exposing itself completely naked in front of all the astonished public. Poor guy ashamed. Infinite laughs  

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

Miguel Ángel Muñoz in "Un Paso Adelante" (2004)

Rober se enfada por la broma pesada que ha recibido por parte de sus compañeros y se larga,  ellos siguen riendose de verlo desnudo y en pelotas. Muy Divertida escena.                          Rober is upset by the heavy joke he has received from his teammates and is long, they keep laughing at seeing him naked and in balls. Very Funny scene.

Miguel Ángel Muñoz in "Un Paso Adelante" (2004)

"Robert Arenales" disfruta de una buena ducha hasta que una falsa alarma de incendio lo fuerza a salir del baño completamente desnudo. Todo era una trampa de sus amigos para avergonzarlo y castigarlo. Embarazosa escena.                   "Robert Arenales" enjoys a good shower until a false fire alarm forces him out of the bathroom completely naked. Everything was a trap of his friends to embarrass and punish him. Embarrassing scene.

Nathan Cruz in "WWE" (2015)

El luchador Rubio es humillado cuando su rival jala su ropa interior y lo expone para luego darle una nalgada y patearlo fuera del ring humillandolo sin piedad. Vergonzoso.                    The blond wrestler is humiliated when his rival pulls his underwear and exposes him to then give him a spanking and kick him out of the ring humiliating him without mercy. Shameful.

Nathan Cruz in "WWE" (2015)

Nathan es casi desnudado por su delgado rival cuando éste último lo sorprende bajando su pantalón azúl marino y lo hace pasar pena. Vergonzoso.            Nathan is almost naked by his thin rival when the latter surprises him by lowering his navy blue pants and makes him feel bad. Shameful.


Nathan Cruz in "WWE" (2015)

Cuando Nathan cree haber resuelto la batalla es sorprendido como otras veces por su rival quien lo expone ante todos los presentes.   When Nathan thinks he has solved the battle, he is surprised as he is by his rival who exposes him to everyone present.


Nathan Cruz in "WWE" (2015)

Nathan levanta a su oponente pero éste lo sorprende exponiendolo y luego de apenarlo, lo patea fuera del escenario y queda totalmente adolorido.                                         
Nathan raises his opponent but he surprises him by exposing him and after grieving him, he kicks him offstage and is totally in pain.

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

Lewis Howley in "Wrestleforce Fleet" (2017)

The Blond Playboy "Lewis Howley" is surprised by the dark pink "Cassius" who strips him naked showing his thong, after embarrassing him he practices a female master key and knocks him out in the ring. The Playboy is defeated and half-naked remains lying down. Funny, because everyone laughs at him

Shane Haste in "Wrestlemanía"

"Shane Thorne" tries to climb the ladder but the dark-haired Carlo Cannon stops him by removing his underwear and leaving the blond fighter exposed and humiliated for a few seconds. Shameful

Buff Bagwell in "Wrestlemanía"

Buff Bagwell in an attempt to demonstrate his macho muscles to the public, is surprised by DDP who lowers his pants and exposes him embarrassing him as a man in front of everyone and punishes his ego harshly. Laughter

Rhett Titus in "Wrestlemanía"

Rhett Titus is practically undressed by his opponent Brent Albright, who drops his underwear and is repeatedly slapped by himself and his partner, until the blond Rhett is knocked out and humiliated in the ring. Funny and shameful for the poor man

Jai Courtney in "Packed to the Rafters" (2009)

The poor man realizes that he has been stupidly naive and deceived by a woman, then swims and flees from the pool to the mansion, but the door is locked. Only covering his intimate parts with a banana-shaped float is frustrated and completely naked without being able to hide. The police will arrive in a couple of minutes and capture him in balls. Truly shameful and very funny punishment for a casanova. Laughter

Jai Courtney in "Packed to the Rafters" (2009)

The womanizing executive dives while the astute woman in olan with her two friends steals her clothes and escapes with her belongings in the car with her accomplices. Laughter

Jai Courtney in "Packed to the Rafters" (2009)

"Damian" is led, seduced and convinced by "Kate Ripley" to undress and completely naked to dive in the pool. Funny

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

Ian Ziering in "Beverly Hills, 90210" (1998)

Steve Sanders is deceived by April Most and after telling himself he is taken to the stage without knowing it, when the curtain rises everyone is surprised to see him naked only covering his parts with a towel and totally ashamed, confused and distressed. The Blonde punished the blond womanizer leaving him exposed in full graduation. Everyone laughs at him. Funny scene

Ethan Page in "Absolute Intense Wrestling"

Ethan is surprised by Candice LaRae who holds him for his noble parts and embarrasses him in front of everyone by shamelessly affecting his manhood. Extremely embarrassing

Scotty Mac in "All Star Wrestling"

The blond Scotty Mac is thrown and surprised by his opponent who before knocking him naked before the public. Very funny.

Kurt Angle in "WWE"

Kurt is surprised by Triple H who exposes him lowering his trusa, the poor dizzy staggers and Hulk Hogan snatches his mask.

Davey Richards in "Wrestlemanía"

Davey is surprised behind his back by Nigel McGuinness and to feel the latter ignored by the first, Nigel decides to punish him by lowering his pants and leaving Davey exposed and almost naked in front of the laughter of all present. Shameful

Nathan Cruz in "Wrestlemanía UK" (2015)

Nathan Cruz is again embarrassed when trying to charge his young opponent, he lowers his pants leaving him exposed to the mocking look of all present. Shame